Responsible Play

Vetnos is committed to protecting our players. To help you manage your play in a healthy, responsible way, we offer proactive tools and support.


If you wish to disable your account for any reason, you may apply a self-exclusion to your account. Tell us how much time you need, and we will make sure your account no longer allows you to log in or join any contests during that period. Here’s how it works:

  • Any upcoming entries will be canceled and refunded.
  • You can reach out to Customer Support for assistance if you wish to withdraw any remaining funds from your account.
  • You will not be able to login or access your account.
  • We will suppress your email address (the one you signed up with) from receiving additional, personally directed promotional or marketing messages. Please allow up to 24 hours to be removed from any promotional emails.

If for any reason, you want to extend the time period of your exclusion or permanently close your account, contact Customer Support, and we can assist you in making your final withdrawal and shutting down your account. If you decide that you would like to come back and play at the end of your self-exclusion period, please contact Customer Support. Each request for reactivation will be evaluated individually.

Limitations on Consumer Deposits

In accordance with state requirements, Vetnos, or Vetnos partner or sponsor restricts deposit levels within any 24 hour, 7 day, or 31 day rolling period for daily, weekly and monthly deposit limits respectively. These limits will apply, unless the user has requested a change in their limits and confirmed them following the cool down period.

Parental Controls

Vetnos, or Vetnos partner or sponsor verifies all accounts for age and eligibility. If minors under 18 have access to your computer, your account or your personal information, please consider installing parental control software to prevent access to Vetnos, or Vetnos partner or sponsor and other age-restricted sites. If you believe a minor is playing on Vetnos, or Vetnos partner or sponsor, please contact customer support at If a minor is found playing on Vetnos, or Vetnos partner or sponsor, then that account will be immediately closed.

Need additional help?

We consult with various organizations – such as the National Council for Problem Gambling (NCPG) and the International Centre for Responsible Gaming – that cover a wide array of consumer protection issues, including problem play, to discuss our policies and ways in which they can remain aligned with the ever-evolving needs of our customer.

If you have additional concerns about managing your play on Vetnos, or Vetnos partner or sponsor or gaming anywhere else – or if you’re concerned about a friend or family member – NCPG offers support and counseling referrals that may help you through personal, gaming-related issues. The NCPG operates a 24-hour confidential toll-free helpline that you can reach by phone or text at 1-800-522-4700 or chat at

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